Step 1. Lose your recipe and then scramble to find one close to your original online.
Step 2. Buy the wrong type of meat.
Step 3. Buy the wrong ingredients.
Step 4. Try to make the recipe work anyways.
Step 5. Put your potatoes in on insulated baking sheet.
Step 6. Cook your side and main dish in the same oven.
Step 7. Have you oven lose heat from you opening it paranoid your food will be gross.
Step 8. Notice your potatoes aren't cooking and decide to move them to your burner.
Step 9. Turn burner on too high.
Step 10. Melt pan to burner.
Step 11. Make a mess.
Step 12. Have your chicken be too moist and ruin your breading by turning soggy.
Step 13. Burn your sauce because you are trying to deal with your melted pan to your burner and save some of your potatoes.
Step 14. Scrap pan from burner.
Step 15. Cry in the corner in shame.
It has a lot of steps, but it's actually really easy.
Here is the evidence.
Jacqueline de Jong at Dürst Britt & Mayhew
14 hours ago