"I mean... help you!" I giggled. It wasn't really funny when you think about it. I could have potentially been talking to a money- loaded client willing to hand over some massive amount to the polite happy receptionist (yeah right.. but i can still dream). Luckily it was a laid-back employee off sight from our Orem Head Quarters.
"Well. you can start by not hurting me!" Jeff laughed.
"I'm so sorry! Oh my gosh. I don't know what I'm saying. I'm just... crazy!" Luckily no one is offend and we both laughed harder despite the fact I felt like a complete idiot. What kind of strange slip of the tongue was that? When I worked in retail I had horrible thoughts all the time about how i wanted people to die in various ways to get away from me but one never slipped out. Since coming to Infotrax in 2006 I have been much happier, at least I think I am. Maybe I have some subconscious death wish for others. Or maybe it could have something to do with that the fact that i was reading and the word, "hurt" was in the sentence i read prior to picking up the phone.
I do frequently answer, "InfoTRUCKS, how may i help you?" but i don't have any explanation for that one.
*the Lord will spit out the lukewarm* at Bortolami
15 hours ago